端午节"吃"粽子 Dragon Boat Festival "EAT" Rice Dumpling

>> 21 May, 2009

端午节落在每年农历五月初五, 今年也是在 28.05.2009 ~ ~
Dragon Boat Festival fall on every 5th May chinese calender, as for this year will fall on 28.05.09

凡是在端午节, 我們全家大小會去海灘走走! 小朋友就會玩水 ~~
Every year, our family members will go to the beaches strolling, as the childrens will "playing water"

想回頭, 已經有一年沒有去海灘了~~ 好想念!!!
Saying backward, since 1 year has not been to the beaches.. Mizz...
~ ~ ~
今年也特別! 因為多了謙程和我們慶祝!!!
This year gonna to be special, Cos my son is celebrate with us!!!
端午节快樂 !!! Happy Dragon Boat Festival to ALL !!!


孩子在成長中 Children growing up!!

>> 19 May, 2009

孩子們漸漸的長大了﹏ ﹏ ﹏
時間一天一天的就這樣過去 ﹏﹏
Children gradually growing up ~~~
Time flying like the Rocket!

小便不要講, 整天小便在褲褲。。。
剛剛有大便在褲褲呢。。。 不懂為什麼會這樣???
Recently my daughter, hai ya.... really ah!!!
Always peep on the pants, do not want to tell the adult she want to peep. Just right now, she just booo on the pant,
Do not understand why she got this type of reaction...
She do not use pamper (Daytime) since 1 year, and now she is coming 3 year....
What make her like that????

但是, 發現他比較喜歡吃餅乾, 米飯類。 。 。
可能他漸漸的長大了, 適應這個環境了。。。。。
My son recently can take in food already!
He is now 9 months. Before that, whatever we feed him, he will vomit out immediatley the foods....
Foun that he loves to eat Biscuits & Rice (Not porridge).
Maybe he is gradually growing growing.... can the stomach can accept other food already.......



>> 18 May, 2009

眼睛很累, 身體軟軟, 腦袋空白~~~
今天懶惰煮飯, 懶惰作工, 懶惰去瘦身~~~

我在想我的粽子生意~~ 我不會持續了~~~
~ ~
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

時間太長 , 賺得不是很多~~~
要準備材料, 要炒 , 要煮, 要包~~
過程太多 , 太多了~~~
~ ~
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
算了吧 !!! 再找找其它生意做吧 !!!

持續 - Part II

去吃飯回來 , 有活力多了~~~
剛剛去了Excapde Sushi 吃日本料理~ ~ 同事請客`````
好吃 !!! 好吃 !!!



>> 15 May, 2009


香菇花生肉粽! 花生粽!

鹹蛋香菇花生肉粽! 加哩粽!
娘惹粽! 鹼水粽!


我很喜歡包粽子呢。。。 越包越shiok。。。。

我也很喜歡吃粽子, 而且我覺得我包的粽子很夠味,很好吃。。我的老公也恨喜歡吃我做的粽子。。。。。

所以我在想, 只是想, 是如果我可以賣粽子給全國,而且全國的人都喜歡吃我的粽子。。就會覺得很有成就感, 再加上有可以當成一分事業, 該有多好!!!

我有會在想是如果我賣粽子, 不知道生意會很好嗎? 會打蒼蠅嗎???
可是我老公說我的粽子可以拿去賣你, 他讚不絕口呢!!!

老公: 好吃, 好吃!!!
我:(沒說話) 偷偷笑在心理!!
我: 可以拿去賣嗎??
老公說: 可以! 好吃過很多人包的粽子!!!
我: 可是我想要包和別人不一樣的粽子!
我: 我要包發財(髮菜)粽 -- 吃了會發!!
老公說: 是落!! 是那個吃了你的發財粽,晚上中萬子, 你的粽子一大堆人來買。。
我:是落!!是落!! 哈哈哈!!!

我可能會在端午節的時候做粽子賣賣看!!! 看效果如何才打算。。。
我已經收到一個定單了, 好開心喔。。。 。。。。。。。。。。


Organic Garden 种菜人的智慧

>> 06 May, 2009

人類的食物鏈 ~李鴻誠,种菜人的智慧



2. 材料:

3. 先鋪放石頭在最底層

4. 放一层泥土

5.第二層放溼的材料 (湿的材料确保堆肥不会太干燥,如果太干燥,堆肥材料无法分解)

6. 第三層放干的材料

7. 重復5),6),5),6)到桶滿爲止



10. 每一个或两个星期翻动堆肥材料一次.


How to Make Organic Compost for Your Garden

1. Prepare 2 pails or containers. Make some small holes at the bottom of the pails or containers. This allows the extra water to be drained out from the pails or containers. (You want the compost pile to remain damp, but not dripping wet).

2. Materials used to make compost:
2.1 wet material: any kitchen scraps like coffee grounds, peelings, fruit cores, eggshells,

tea leaves, etc. Any kitchen waste that is not greasy can be composted.

2.2 dry material: paper, sawdust, small branches and twigs, straw, etc.

3. Lay 1 layer of medium size stone at the bottom of pails or containers

4. Put 1 layer of soil

5. Put wet material on the second layer (the wet material will ensure the compost pile is not too dry. If it is too dry, the compost pile will not break down at all)

6. Put dry material on the third layer. If there is no dry material available, you can put soil then.

7. Repeat step 5 & 6 until the pail or container is full.

8. Cover the pail or container with a piece of cloth that allow air circulation.

9. Put the pail or container in a place that does not expose to rain. (if compost pile is too wet, it will smell and become slimy as the ratio of bad bacteria outweighs the good)

10. 2 weeks later, turn the pile from the outside by shoveling the outer portion of pile and put it in another pail or container.

11. Repeat step 10 once a week or 2 weeks once.

12. It the pile heats up, gets moisture and gets turned regularly, you shall have dark brown or dark, wonderful compost in about 1 to 2 months time.


Green Smoothies

I found something intersting that would like to share with all of you...

BE HEALTHY, Then you will BE WEALTHY!!

Green smoothies are basically blended green leafy vegetable mixed with fruits, raw seeds and raw nuts.

Written by Sivan Choo – Certified “Raw Food Nutrition” Educator by Living Light Culinary Instituted, California http://www.hehahahealth.com/

Since Yeh Fung and I learned how to make green smoothies, we make this part of our meals everyday. I make smoothies for myself and my kids 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Since then I don’t have to nag my kids to eat fried vegetables anymore because they get enough raw organic green vege from the green smoothies that packed with enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. In fact, my father-in-law who stays with me for 2-3 weeks every month also enjoys green smoothies a lot. If he is back to his hometown, he will bring some vege and fruits to the coffee shop and asks the coffee shop owner to blend them for him. My mother-in-law too shared the green smoothie recipes with her nieces because her water retention (Edema) problem improved.

We included green smoothies in our cooking lesson and 1 of the participant put in it into practice immediately after the class because she knows that she can get enough enzymes out from green smoothies. To her surprise, her husband leg’s aching problem that persisted for 3 years disappeared unknowingly after taking green smoothies for his breakfast for a month. How do we know it is the power of green smoothie? Because this is the only change that she has made in particular month. She also noticed that her daughter acnes issue also resolved. She was so excited that she introduced green smoothies to her sister and mother who suffered from foot aching and constipation issue respectively. Both her sister and her mother’s health issues also resolved after taking green smoothies.

To Yeh Fung, mouth ulcer is a history to her since she takes green smoothies. For myself, my yellowish palms (due to too much of beta-carotenes that is not harmful) turn more reddish overtime with the dark green leafy vege in green smoothies.

My brother-in-law, Bik Hoi dropped 18kg over 3 months time after he changed his diet to plant based whole food diet which includes green smoothies for his breakfast and dinner. He looks younger now and has a better complexion. He also feels more energetic and his hairs start to grow too (FYI, his is slightly bald! I hope he doesn’t know that I quote this…a little bit sensitive). Most of his friends are so curious about his improvement and ask him for the secrete recipe!!

Some rules that I follow:

1. Use different green leaves everyday

2. Use green vegetables that are low in oxalic acid (oxalic acid will bind with calcium and form calcium oxalate, an insoluble salt).
a. Vegetables that are low in oxalic acid: kale, lettuce, celery, mustard green, broccoli, cabbage, and most other greens.
b. Vegetables that are high in oxalic acid: spinach, swiss chard, parsley, beet leaves.

3. Add high oxalic vegetables to green smoothies for variety, but do NOT make an entire smoothie out of them.

4. Add flaxseed or pumpkin seed or sunflower seed or black sesame or white sesame or almond or other nuts and seeds for mineral and natural mono and poly unsaturated fat. Only use raw and soaked seeds and nuts. Soaked overnight or 8 hrs.

5. Use organic vegetables if possible because they contain higher nutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, etc) compared to commercially grown vegetables.

6. Peel fruit if it’s not organic

7. Banana and avocado gives the smoothies the creamy and smooth texture

The following recipe is for 2-3 cups of 250ml green smoothies

Sivan loves all the following green smoothies. Each one of them is so unique and taste good! In fact, Sivan will make her own mix and match based on what are available in the fridge. Hence, it is always a surprise to her husband and kids on the taste of the green smoothies. Of course it always tastes nice. The trick Sivan follows is mix and match sweet and sour (of course not too sour) fruits together. To attract the kids to take the green smoothies, Sivan will use the kids’ favorite fruits. The proportion of fruits and vege is fruits : Vege = 60% : 40% or 70% : 30%.

Tips, if your kids don’t like vege, may be you can just put 1 or 2 leaves of vege as a start or use vege that tastes milder such as lettuce. Once they experience the goodness of the green smoothies, you can start to add more dark green vege. Remember to share with your kids the benefits of green smoothies, e.g. grow healthier, beautiful complexion, etc.

Sivan’s favorite #1
1 orange
½ soursop
2 bananas
150g of green mustard
3 tbsp of soaked flaxseed (you may replace with soaked sesame)
1 cup of water

Sivan’s husband favorite
1 apple
1 orange
1 cup of pineapple
½ avocado
150g of cos lettuce
3 tbsp of pumpkin seeds (or soaked sunflower seeds or soaked almonds or soaked walnut)
2 cups of water (~500ml) (if you like a thicker smoothie, reduce the amount of water)

Sivan’s favorite #2
2 kiwis
2 bananas
75g of cos-lettuce
75g of simpochoy or kale
1 cup of water

Yeh Fung’s favorite
2 apples
2 kiwis
½ avocado
5 cherry tomatoes
150g of cos lettuce
400ml of water
1.5 tbsp of soaked flaxseed

Sivan’s favorite #3
½ papayas
2 oranges
150g sweet cabbage
1 cup of water
Yeh Fung’s daughter (Su Sing) favorite
1 dragon fruits
2 bananas
150g choy-sam
5 cherry tomotoes
400ml of water
1.5 tbsp of flaxseed

Sivan’s family favorite #4
1 cup of pineapple
1 large mango
75g of kale (or sweet potatoes leaves)
75g of mini-cos lettuce
1 cup of water
3 tbsp of flaxseed

Yeh Fung’s family favorite
¼ pineapples
2 bananas
1 apple
5 cherry tomatoes
150g of mini cos-lettuce
1.5 tbsp of flaxseed

Sivan’s daughter (Ann Zi) favorite
1 large dragon fruit
2 bananas
1 orange
150g of bok choy
3 tbsp of soaked flaxseeds
1 cup of water

Sivan’s Brother-in-law (Bik Hoi) Favorite #1
3 bananas
100g of cos-lettuce
200g of misome
2 limes (if you like sour taste)
2 cups of water

Sivan’s Brother-in-law (Bik Hoi) Favorite #2
3 bananas
150g cos-lettuce
150g spinach
2 limes (if you like sour taste)
2 cups of water


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